DUKEBAG -- Similar in sound and derogatoriness to DOUCHEBAG. Duke student who exemplifies the arrogance and overrated superiority of Duke University.
DURB -- From Dick Durbin, Democratic Senator from Illinois. Fellatio.
SNORGLE -- cuddle something, pushing the nose in and breathing deeply: “I want to just snorgle that puppy.”
Dr. Connie Eble taught a lecture on slang in one of my classes this past semester. Dr. Eble, author of
Slang and Sociability: In-Group Language Among College Students , keeps up with the ephemeral nature of slang, by soliciting words and definitions, such as those above, from actual college students at UNC, such as myself. She asked members of my class to each submit ten words and definitions so that she could compile and record them. She was kind enough to send the compiled list to the class, and I now make it available to you. It's interesting, and though I haven't bothered to try to comment on or analyze it yet, it's a fascinating glossary on its own merits.
These words and phrases were submitted as examples of good, current campus slang by undergraduates enrolled in Professor Patrick O’Neill’s English 38 course in April 2006.
ATOM -- automatic teller machine (A.T.M.): “I have to stop by the atom to get some cash.”
ASSBANDIT -- lusty gay male. Said either as an insult or playfully: “You assbandit.”
ASSHAT -- someone who is ignorant, obnoxious, stupid, or just plain annoying: “My roommate’s boyfriend is such an asshat.”
BANANA -- an Asian who doesn’t have the same values as other Asians, i.e., yellow on the outside, white on the inside: “She won’t even speak Chinese, even though she knows it. She’s a banana.”
BARNEY BAG -- gigantic purse. From the children’s television program in which Barney pulled all sorts of things out of a magic bag. “When I travel, I carry a Barney bag.”
BEAST -- unusually strong, powerful, or impressive person: “Did you see that girl’s shoulders? She’s a beast.” Perform well, prevail over an adversary: “I busted that exam.” Humiliate, make fun of: “He beasted you.” Also PWN.
B.F.E. -- Bum Fuck Egypt. Far away: “I’m not dating that girl. She lives in B.F.E.”
BIA -- From bitch. Annoying or difficult person.
BILL -- one hundred dollar note: “This bullet-proof vest is only two bills.”
BISCUIT -- deny one’s own accomplishments, be falsely modest. Allusion to the practice of old Southern women who make delicious biscuits from scratch and then apologize for them. X: “This is a terrible poem I wrote. It’s not my best work.” Y: “Stop biscuiting!”
BLAST! -- euphemism for DAMN! or SHIT!
BLAST -- shoot with a gun: “That fool’s gonna get blasted.”
BLITZED -- drunk
BLOW -- fail at: “I completely blew that audition.”
BOOGIE -- /buži/ bourgeois
BOOTY CALL -- phone someone for sex, usually late at night and after drinking: “I got a booty call from Carter last night, but he was so drunk I could hardly understand him.”
BROKEBACK -- homosexual; stupid. From film Brokeback Mountain.
BUCKETS! -- expression of satisfaction after a good shot in basketball or after any good news.
BUNK -- bad, false
BURN -- third party evaluation that someone has been prevailed over: “Ooo..That’s a burn.”
BUSTA -- someone who needs to be punished or held accountable
BUTTSEX -- anal sex. Rarely used referentially.
B. W. -- Bench Warmer. Athlete who gets little or no playing time
CAN’T CALL IT -- have no idea what’s going on: X: “Hey, whatcha doin’ this weekend?” Y: “Can’t call it.”
CATCH U NEXT TUESDAY -- From c-u-n-t. Female. Derogatory. “I gotta go. The boss is being a real Catch U Next Tuesday.”
CHAPPED -- angry, extremely annoyed
CHICK -- female
CHAV -- working class boor. From British slang. “This club used to be nice, but now it’s full of chavs.”
CHIEF -- smoke marijuana
CLICK -- From clique. Group of friends that one hangs out with
CHILLAX -- chill + relax. Clam down, relax
CLOWN -- make jokes about: “You’re lucky I didn’t see it because I would have clowned you for wearing that outfit.”
CLUSTERFUCK -- unorganized group of people: “Waiting in line for the keg was such a clusterfuck. People were pushing every which way.”
COLD -- hurtful: “That remark was cold.”
CONCUSSION -- inflict a head injury: “If you keep that up , I’ll concussion you.”
CRADLE ROBBER -- older person who pursues romance or sex with someone considerably younger
CROTCH ROCKET -- motorbike
CRUCIAL -- cool, awesome, excellent: “You made an A on your Econ test? Crucial!”
DANGLES -- testicles
DANK -- of high quality, particularly in reference to marijuana: “This is dank weed.” “That outfit is totally dank.” “Dude, this Chex-Mix is so dank—I’m gonna eat the whole bag.”
DIARRHEAD -- exhausted, i.e., pooped: “I’m so diarrhead I could just pass out right here on the floor.”
DIME -- something or someone perfect, i.e., ten out of ten
DIVID -- From D.V.D. Movie on D.V.D. “I’m gonna wait for it to come out on divid.”
DODGE -- deliberately not answer a phone call
DODGER -- someone who deliberately does not answer nor return phone calls: “Jake must be playing for the dodgers.”
DROP -- spend money, usually a lot: “I just dropped $850 for a plane ticket to Rome.”
DROP THE F BOMB -- say the word fuck, particularly in inappropriate contexts: “Can you believe that girl dropped the F bomb on Oprah?”
DROP THE L BOMB -- tell someone you love him or her, especially before it is expected: “Sandy dropped the L bomb on her boyfriends, and he hasn’t called her in five days.”
DRUNK DIAL -- make phone calls while drunk: “I can’t believe you let me drunk dial my ex-boyfriend last night.”
DUKEBAG -- Similar in sound and derogatoriness to DOUCHEBAG. Duke student who exemplifies the arrogance and overrated superiority of Duke University.
DUMAS -- /dumas/ dumb ass
DUNZO -- incapable of winning, living, or surviving: “I’m beating you so bad—you’re dunzo.”
DURB -- From Dick Durbin, Democratic Senator from Illinois. Fellatio.
EFF -- euphemism for fuck: “ I really effed that exam up.” “Holy effing crap!”
EP -- episode: “My sister and I had a West Wing marathon yesterday. We watched, like, six eps in a row.”
FACEBOOK -- search for and/or request the friendship of a student on facebook.com: “I facebooked that cute guy in my Psychology class.” “He facebooked me and found out I was from Kernersville.”
FACEBOOK FRIEND -- list someone as a friend on facebook.com: “I barely know him, but I facebook friended him anyway.”
FACEBOOK STALKER -- someone who contacts people constantly through facebook.com: “John sends me facebook messages all the time. He is such a facebook stalker.”
FAGGORT -- exaggerated alternate pronunciation of faggot.
FAKE ‘N BAKE -- artificially tanned, with dyed hair and too much makeup. Usually applied to females. “It’s the middle of the winter, and she’s orange—way too much fake ‘n bake for me.”
FAT JUICE -- coca-cola or any other high calorie, non-nutritious soft drink
FIEND -- go through withdrawal from something one is addicted to: “Sherwin sounds upset. Maybe he is just fiending. Somebody give him a cigarette.”
FIVE HEAD -- excessively large forehead: “Look at the five head on that girl.”
FIVES. NO UNCLE RAY RAY! -- phrase called out to reserve a seat one is vacating for five minutes. If FIVES alone is called, someone else can claim the seat by calling UNCLE RAY RAY. “James, you can’t sit there. Tina called Fives No Uncle Ray Ray before she went to the bathroom.”
FISH -- have sex: X: “Where are Brice and Abigail?” Y: “Off fishing.”
FLOOZY -- female who is sexually provocative in dress, speech, or actions
FLOWER -- for females to emerge in revealing clothing when warm weather begins in spring
F.N.G. -- Fucking New Guys: “All right, everyone behave! Let’s not scare the F.N.G.’s.”
FOB -- Fresh Off the Boat. For ethnic minorities to seem strangely old-fashioned because they have not assimilated to American ways
FOOD -- eat: “You hungry? Let’s food.”
FOR SERIOUS -- expression of doubt or surprise, asking for confirmation: X: “I stayed up until six this morning.” Y: “For serious?”
FRATASTIC -- fraternity + fantastic. Exhibiting stereotypical traits of fraternity members; overly preppy, conceited, dapper
FRATTY -- typical of a fraternity member in dress and behavior: “Dan’s outfit today was so fratty. He was wearing a light purple Lacoste polo, khaki shorts, croakies, and boat shoes. It was adorable.”
FREAK OUT -- react with strong emotion: “When I told her I kissed her boyfriend, she freaked out.”
FRELL -- euphemism for fuck: “Frell it!” “That freller!” “He frelled us over.”
FRIEND -- list someone as a friend on an online website, such as Friendster, MySpace, or Facebook: “This random guy has been friending my friends. Who is he?”
FUCK ALL -- absolutely nothing: “We just lazed around and did fuck all instead of our homework.”
GANAS -- from Spanish. Desire, interest: “I just don’t have the ganas to go to class.”
GANK -- steal; “Who ganked my cashews?”
GASIAN -- gay + Asian. Someone of Asian heritage who is gay
GECK -- from gecko. Annoying person: “He hums all the time. He’s such a geck.”
GEL HEAD -- unstylish person who is not a member of a fraternity or sorority. Used by the Greek community.
GERI -- from geriatric. Old person: “This geri in front of me drives too slow.”
GET WITH -- have sex with: “I’m trying to get with her.”
GITFIDDLE -- guitar
GLOMP -- hug tightly in an affectionate but not sexual way
GOLDFISH -- someone who does not have a good memory
GOOGLE -- research someone or something on www.google.com
GRILL -- teeth decorated with jewels and metal
GROK -- /grak/ understand completely: “I wish I could grok my PoliSci class.” From Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land.
G.W.3 -- Granville West 3rd Floor. Residence hall that enjoys a reputation for underage drinking and late night rowdiness
HACE -- hack, cause difficulty to: “My account was haced!”
HATERATION -- meanness: “Hey, I said I was sorry. What’s with the hateration?”
HAWNGRY -- /h ŋgri/ (pronounced with the open o of bought rather than the ə of but) extremely hungry
HELLA -- very: “That party was hella cool.” “That ice cream was hella good.”
HIGGLE -- giggle. Typographical error for giggle that attained popularity in internet conversations.
HIT UP -- contact: “Hit me up later.”
HOLLA -- goodby: X: “I gotta go.” Y: “OK. Holla.” Contact: “I gotta go, but I’ll holla at you later.”
HOOK UP -- kiss or engage in any other kind of sexual activity, usually with someone one has recently met or does not have a romantic relationship with: “I hooked up with that boy from He’s Not last night—I must have had way too many blue cups.”
HOSE -- treat in an unkind or unfair manner: “They hose me every weekend. I always get scheduled to work Friday through Sunday.”
HOT -- great, awesome: “That’s a hot shirt.”
I KNOW RIGHT -- I agree completely: X: “What were they doing cancelling the study group?” Y: “I know, right.” Popularized by the film Mean Girls.
ITE -- /ayt/ goodby: X: Later, man. Y: Ite!
I.T.M.F.A. -- Impeach the mother fucker, already: “What did Bush say? I.T.M.F.A.!”
JAP -- Jewish American Princess. Spoiled and self-centered Jewish-American girl: “Stop acting like a Jap.”
JODY -- guy your girl is hooking up with while she is studying abroad or you are in the army
JOIN THE NAKED CLUB -- engage in exhibitionist activities
JONES -- crave: “I’m jonesing for some rocky road frozen yogurt.”
KANOODLE -- waste time: “Quit kanoodling over there and do something.” Also WAGGLE.
THE LANES -- bowling alley
LEECH -- person who won’t leave you alone
LEET -- from elite, typed in internet conversations l-3-3-t or 1-3-3-7. Cool, awesome, great: “That movie was effing leet!”
LEGICE -- /ləĵaysə/ legitimate + scheisse (German ‘shit’) Positive, agreeable, excellent
MALFUNCTION -- problem, difficulty: “What’s your malfunction?”
MANKY -- unappetizing, disgusting: “That bread seems a bit manky—I’m not eating it.” From British slang.
MILK -- profit all you can from a situation: “Lilly is milking her mom for a new pair of sneakers.”
MILLER TIME -- the final minutes of a clearly victorious Tar Heel basketball game during which the bench players enter the game. After player Wes Miller’s role in the 2005 national championship season.
MONEY -- excellent, proficient: “You should have seen this shot. It was so money.” In good standing: “I sent her flowers, so I should be money.”
MOOBS -- male + boobs. Unattractive breasts on a male.
M.S.D. -- marijuana smoking device
NARC -- police informer
NARSTY -- exceedingly disagreeable. Altered pronunciation of nasty.
NATCH -- From naturally. Of course: “He was his usual self, natch.”
NIGHTMARE -- unpleasant
NOOB/NOOBIE -- beginner: “We pwned that noob easily.” Loser, jerk. Often used on the internet and variously spelled n-u-b and n-0-0-b.
NUTJOB -- crazy person: “I hope I don’t get a nutjob for a roommate next year.”
OOSH! -- It’s cold! “Oosh! I should have brought a jacket.”
OWN -- dominate over, show superiority over, embarrass someone: “I owned my roommate in basketball 11-2.”
OFF THE HOOK -- appealingly bizarre: “My roommate is off the hook.” Attractive, appealing: “Those shoes are off the hook.”
PANSY -- someone under the control of another, usually a girlfriend or boyfriend
PAPER -- work on a written assignment: “I’m papering right now, but I’ll call you later.”
PARENTAL UNIT -- parents: “There’s a malfunction in the parental unit.”
PAWS -- hands: “He’s got his paws all over Hansbury.”
PEACE OUT -- leave: “I’m peacing out, guys.” Goodby: “I’m leaving. Peace out.”
PEEN -- penis. Also COCK, DICK, JUNK, WANG.
PEEPS -- From people. Group of friends: “These are my peeps.”
PIMP UP -- improve something: “I’m gonna pimp up my car and put a stereo in it.”
PLAY SOMEONE’S FACE -- playfully insult or embarrass someone
PROBS -- From probably. “This exam is going to be a beast—I’m probs gonna fail it.”
P’S -- parents: “My P’s are going to be away this weekend—it’s time for a party.”
P.T.F.O. -- Peace the Fuck Out. Leave immediately: “This party sucks. We need to P.T.F.O.”
PWN -- /on/ dominate over, beat, conquer: “They totally pwned us in capture the flag” “I pwned that exam.” Now deliberately used in writing. Arose from a mistyping of own in internet conversation.
RANDOM -- unpredictable: “She told you she likes ice cream during the lecture? That’s random.” Stranger: “I can’t believe you brought home a random last night without warning your roommates.”
RAPE -- perform well, do something thoroughly: “I raped that test.”
REAL -- very
RENTS -- parents: “My rents say I have to home by twelve.” Also RENTALS.
RIDONKULOUS -- very ridiculous
RING -- call on the phone
SCANDALOUS -- controversial
SCHNOOGLE -- affectionate embrace, a snuggle and a giggle. From Harry Potter fandom.
SCRILLA -- money, usually paper money
SERIOUSLY -- expression of shock, surprise, or indignation: “He doesn’t call for two weeks. But he thinks he can call tonight and I’ll go over to study? Seriously? Seriously!” Popularized by television series Grey’s Anatomy.
SEXILE -- sex + exile. Displace someone from his or her living area so that a roommate can have sex: “My roommate’s boyfriend just got here, so I’m sexiled all weekend.”
SHACK -- spend the night following a hookup: X: “Where did you end up last night?” Y: “Oh, I shacked with Rob.”
SHACK SHIRT -- item appropriated to wear home after spending the night shacking in order to avoid the appearance of the walk of shame
SHAME -- humiliate someone who has passed out drunk by drawing on his or her face or leaving some other sign: “Check out the drawings on his face. He totally got shamed last night.”
SHASTA! -- euphemism for Shit!
SHINY -- good, awesome: “Ooo, synchronizers! Shiny!” From the television program Firefly.
SICK -- impressive, original, awesome
SKALLYWAG -- promiscuous female who uses and abuses men
SKEET! -- expression of happiness or surprise: X: “I got us great seats for the concert.” Y: “Skeet!”
SKETCHY/SKETCH -- out of the ordinary, creepy, suspicious, potentially dangerous: “That old man checking you out is really sketch.”
SKURR -- from the initial /skr-/ cluster of screw. Foreplay not leading to intercourse.
SNAP! -- expression of affirmation or negation, depending on the context
SNARKY/SNARK -- witty, more clever and less abrasive than sarcasm: “During B-movies, I am the Queen of Snark.”
SNORGLE -- cuddle something, pushing the nose in and breathing deeply: “I want to just snorgle that puppy.”
SOROSTITUTE -- sorority + prostitute promiscuous female
SQUEE! -- hooray! “There’s no test today! Squee!” From Harry Potter fandom.
SSSS GOIN’ ON -- greeting: X: “Dude! Ssss goin’on?” Y: “Not much. Ssss goin’on with you?”
STAR -- extremely attractive person, the epitome of attractiveness: “The new girl’s cute, but she ain’t no star.”
STICKY RICE -- Asian who associates only with other Asians in forming romantic relationships: “Don’t bother with him. He’s sticky rice.”
STFU -- /stufu/ Shut The Fuck Up. Internet use.
STONER -- habitual user of marijuana
STRAIGHT -- acceptable, reliable: “He’ll get my money back. He’s straight.”
STUMP -- person who is not very bright or curious and accomplishes little in life: “All the stumps do is drink beer and work low-paying jobs.”
TANKED -- drunk
THAT GUY -- male whose behavior is objectionable in some way
TOOL -- foolish, stupid, or insincere person: “Did you see Tom Cruise on Oprah? What a tool.” Also DOUCHEBAG, TOOLBOX.
TORE UP -- excited, enthusiastic: “I’m tore up about Bob Dylan coming to Raleigh.”
TRANQUILO -- /trankIlo/ (mixture of Spanish and English pronunciation) smooth, calm, laid back
TRILL -- exciting, worthwhile, excellent: “That new Missy Elliot album is so fuckin’ trill!”
TRY -- plan: “Are you trying to study for the English test tonight?”
UBER -- exceptionally cool, awesome, sweet: “That movie was uber leet.”
USHER -- sing smoothly and velvety. From the singer Usher.
VEG OUT -- relax in a non-productive way
WAGGLE -- waste time. Also KANOODLE.
WALK OF SHAME -- walk home the morning after shacking up wearing clothing from the evening before: “It was a total walk of shame this morning. I had to walk through campus in that miniskirt and tank top past people going to class.”
WEAR SADFACE -- look mildly unhappy
WEIRD OUT -- disturb: “That picture of cow brains really weirded me out.”
WHALE -- beat someone up
WHIP -- car
WHIPPED -- controlled by one’s boyfriend or girlfriend
WICKED -- extremely: “We had a wicked good time last night.”
W00T! -- exclamation of triumph: “I got promoted! W00T!” Written W-zero-zero-T.
WORD -- yes: X: “Yo, Dude. You want any of this guacamole?” Y: “Word!” I agree: X: “French fries are delicious.” Y: “Word.”
YOTA -- Toyota: “I know him. He drives a little blue Yota.”
Frequency of submission
6 sketchy/sketch
4 dank
4 facebook
3 fratastic
3 hella
3 own/pwn
3 word
Connie Eble
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